We accept for publication only articles that have not been previously published anywhere and have not been submitted to other publishers. The original material should be based on the results obtained by the author and correspond to the profile of the journal. The article should end with specific conclusions.


The article is drawn up only in accordance with the attached template!

Articles are accepted electronically via email or through the electronic system. In the case of sending an article by ordinary letter, an identical version on an electronic medium must be attached to the paper version of the article.

Original scientific articles, review articles and short reports are accepted for publication. Acceptable electronic formats include Word text editor (* .doc, * .rtf), Microsoft Equation formula editor, Adobe Photoshop graphics editor (* .pcx, * .bmp, * .jpg).

Drawings, graphs, schematic drawings should meet the requirements of GOST 2.316-2008 “Unified system for design documentation”. Markings must be clear and understandable. The figure must indicate its number and name. The title of the figure and all designations should be included in the text of the article. If the article contains tables, then their titles should also be included into the text.

Do not embed images in the text. Photos (tone drawings) should be placed on separate sheets at the end of the article and contain the list of their numbers and titles. Format – not less than 9×12 cm (taking into account the consequent reduction). The number of images should not exceed four.

At the beginning of the article (above its title), it is necessary to put down the index of the Universal Decimal Classification (UDC). Under the heading please indicate the initials, the author’s last name, the full name of organization and e-mail address.

Next, you should provide an abstract of no more than 10 lines ant the body of the text.

The following documents must be attached to the article:

• Covering letter with a list of all documents sent to the editorial office, indicating the organization where the work was carried out, as well as place of work, position, academic degree and academic title, full name of the author (authors), home mailing address and e-mail address for correspondence, office and mobile phone numbers.

• Title of the article, surname and initials of the author (s), place of work and position in English.

• Abstracts of articles in Russian and English, keywords for the article.

list of references

– in Russian

  • Russian-language list in Latin letters
    • in English

Pages should be numbered.

Manuscripts will not be returned.


ALL scientific articles are reviewed in our journal. The journal has two types of peer review: blind (anonymous) peer review and open peer review.

The reviews submitted by the authors along with the article are not accepted, as this is a violation of the scientific publication policy and the publication ethics.

The reviewers of our journal are reputable scientists working on the journal’s issues. The reviewer evaluates the reliability, scientific level, significance and originality of the article, its compliance with the thematic areas of the journal, ethical principles and norms of the scientific publication process. On the basis of peer review, the author may be asked to revise the manuscript or to continue working on the research results. A positive review with a request to revise the manuscript is a sign that the article can be accepted and published.

If the authors received recommendations for making changes and corrections to the manuscript, this must be done promptly, within a period not exceeding 1 month. If the author has any questions about the comments, he needs to contact the editorial board, which will help clarify unclear points of criticism.

After the revision of the article, you should provide a cover letter describing the work done by the authors on all points of the comments.

The decision to accept or reject the manuscript is taken by the editorial board. The editors do not enter into discussions with the authors of the rejected materials.

Before the publication of an article accepted in the portfolio, the author must conclude a copyright transfer agreement for publication and distribution of the article. At this stage, technical revision of the text and proof reading are carried out.


Before publication, the article undergoes literary editing, proof reading and technical revision, which can be carried out with or without the participation of the author. The manuscript editing and proof reading with the author’s participation usually takes place by exchanging data between him and the editorial office (publisher) by e-mail or through on-line editorial system of the journal.

All manuscripts received by the editorial office are registered. Each submitted manuscript is initially screened by the managing editor or deputy managing editor, who decides to send the manuscript to the peer reviewer. After approval of the candidacy of the reviewer, the editorial board sends him the manuscript (in printed or electronic form).

The review period should not exceed one or two months from the date of receiving the article by the reviewer.

The peer reviewer sends to the editorial office a review (in his own writing) in printed form with a personal signature and / or electronically, from his personal or work email address.

The review content is considered by a responsible member of the editorial board, who makes one of the decisions:

• send the article for consideration and review to the meeting of the editorial board for making a decision on publication;

• send the article for revision;

• send the reviewer’s comments to the author for revision the article.

The reviewer has the right to independently send his review to the authors.

The article corrected by the authors is sent back to the reviewer to evaluate the revision. In case of a positive review, the article is sent to a meeting of the editorial board to make a decision on publication.

Consideration of articles by the editorial board results in one of the decisions:

• accept the article to the portfolio of the journal;

• send the article for additional peer review;

• reject the article (with the obligatory indication of the reasons).

The authors of rejected articles, no later than one month from the date of the Editorial Board meeting, will receive (by e-mail) the editor’s letter and comments from reviewer indicating the reasons for manuscript rejection.

All submissions (including reviews and correspondence with authors) are kept in the editorial office for 5 years.

The number of articles accepted for publication in one issue of the journal is limited to one article by one author or no more than two coauthored articles.

An article is considered accepted for publication after it is approved by the editorial board.

The author of the article is responsible for the accuracy of reproduction of names, citations, formulas, data, as well as references to other works used in the article.

Publication fees are not paid.


For reviewing articles, members of the Journal’s Editorial Board and highly qualified specialists from other organizations with deep professional knowledge and experience in a specific scientific field can be involved as reviewers. The reviewer must have a PhD or Doctor of Science degree.

The content of the review.

The review can be written in any form and must contain the following points:

• relevance of the issues considered in the article;

• correspondence of the title and annotation to the content of the article;

• correspondence of the presented results to the declared topic of the article;

• completeness of the literature review; compliance with the accepted standard for the design of attached references to works;

• scientific contribution of the authors: significance of new scientific results presented in the article, obtained personally by the author (group of authors);

• the validity of the conclusions;

• completeness, validity and correctness of the applied mathematical apparatus and theoretical provisions;

• correctness of terminology, clarity of presentation, scientific style of the language.

The review should end with recommendation:

• about the possibility of publishing the article without changes;

• about the possibility of publication, taking into account the requested revisions carried out by the author (without re-reviewing or with re-reviewing);

• about the inadvisability of publishing the article.

All reviews are kept in writing in the editorial office for 5 years.

The final decision on publication of the article is made by the editorial board, on the basis of the received review (s), as well as the reasoned answer of the author(s).

If the article does not correspond to the subject of the journal, the requirements for publishing and formatting articles, has no scientific novelty and practical significance, the editorial board has the right to reject the article without providing a review.