№ 1(403) 2023 year

№1(403) ¦ №2(404)¦ №3(405)¦ №4(406)¦ №5(407)¦ №6(408)



Review articles

Mammadova N.O., Musaeva V.G., Neimatova U.V., Jafarova A.M. Knowledge-Intensive Technologies to Improve the Performance of Textile Materials in Outerwear

Economics and Production Planning

Filatov V.V., Mishakov V.Yu., Korshik T.S., Ksenofontova Kh.Z., Gordeeva T.A., Dubonosova E.A. Modern Problems of Change Management in the Draft Strategy for the Development of Light Industry in the Russian Federation for the Period up to 2025

Voronova E.Yu., Vekshina A.A. A Synergistic Approach to the Use of Lean Manufacturing Technologies in Minimizing Non-Production Costs

Lysova M.A., Onipchenko N.A., Gruzintsevа N.A., Gusev B.N. Creating a Methodology for Assessing the Performance of the Quality Management System of an Enterprise for the Production of Geotextile Fabrics

Polzunova N.N. Digital Technologies in the Activities of the Textile Enterprises and the Efficiency of their Application

Oborin M.S. The Impact of State Support on the Sustainability of the Textile Industry of the Regions in the Current Macroeconomic Conditions

Lavrova G.N., Prevesenzev R.N. Promotion of a Tourist Product Created on the Basis of Textile Enterprises by Using Internet Technologies

Lovkova E.S., Kashitsina T.N., Goncharov A.V., Sokolov I.V. Applying of Flexible Approaches to Project Management in the Textile Industry

Larionov V.G., Sheremetyeva E.N., Balanovskaya A.V. Technological Innovations and Format of Startups in the Textile Industry


Skobova N.V., Yasinskaya N.N. Evaluation of the Modified Polyester Yarns’ Functional Properties and Textile Materials Made from Them

Kashcheev O.V., Shustov Yu.S. Effect of Relative Load and Humidity on Single Cycle Characteristics of Cotton Yarn

Stasheva M.A., Gusev B.N.Establishment of Non-Conformity of Sewing Threads Marking when Selling them to Consumers

Ledeneva I.N., Kirsanova E.A., Sevostyanov P.A., Belgorodsky V.S. Features of Deformation Energydissipation in Felting-Felt Material

Preliminary Treatment. Spinning

Rudovsky P.N., Belova I.S., Sakharova N.S. Investigation of the Spinning Product Cross-Section

Matismailov S.L., Tashpulatov S.Sh., Norboeva R.KH., Plekhanov A.F., Pershukova S.A., Kuzyakova S.V. Quality Indicators Study of Double Twist Yarn from Strands of Different Linear Densities and Spining Methods

Technology of Textile Products

Yusupova N.B., Xamraeva S.A., Yeshzhanov A.A., Yeziyeva M.М., Doskaraeva J.E., Muxamedin V.M. Creating of a Double-Layer Fabric Suit with a Certain Surface Density


Kayumova R.F., Nevolani Yu.M. Ways of Using Textile Waste on the Example of the Remnants of the Fabric between Patterns

Textile Machines and Aggregates

Abdugaffarov X.J., Murodov O.J. About Wood Based Plain Bearings for Cotton Gins

Akhmedov M.Kh., Tuychiev T.O., Plekhanov A.F. Analysis of the Fly Movement in the Area Between the Raw Roller and the Saw Cylinder under the Action of a Variable Contact Force

Automation and Information Technologies

Khosrovyan I.G., Rodionov S.A., Zhukova А.А., Khosrovyan G.А. Mathematical Modeling of Loosening Process of Fibrous Mass in Grate Area on the Developed Equipment

Grechukhin A.P., Habibulloev A., Rudovsky P.N., Starinets I.V., Kulikov A.V. Method for 3D Modeling of Three-Dimensional Orthogonal Fabrics

Ecological and Industrial Safety. Heat Engineering

Kondratenko L.A., Mironova L.I., Dmitriev V.G., Kheilo S.V. ncreasing the Durability of Air Heater Manifolds for New Generation Thermal Waste Processing Plants

Fedosov S.V., Grinchenko B.B., Bakanov M.O., Rumyantseva V.E., Kasyanenko N.S. Prediction of Operational and Tactical Measures when Extinguishing Fires of Textile Enterprises on the Basis of a LinearCorrelation Model

Rimshin V.I., Truntov P.S. Technical Inspection Stages of Textile Industry Building

Technical Aesthetics and Design

Sakharova N.A., Kuzmichev V.E. Historical and Digital Symbols in Clothing or Popularization of the Ivanovo Region Non-Material Heritage

Borisova E.A. The Use Yelets Lace-Making Tradishions in Modern Womens’ Clothing Design

Mitina E.A., Potapova A.D. Promotion of Russian Clothing Brands through Innovative Information and Communication Technologies

Advanced Manufacturing Technologies

Oborin M.S., Savelev I.I. Development of the Textile Industry Based on «Smart» Technologies

Experience Exchange, Criticism and Bibliography. Short Items

Gubernatorov A.M., Kashirin S.V., Shmeleva L.A., Chistyakov M.S. Historical Retrospective of the Textile Industry Manufactory Production Formation in the Chronological Excursion of the XVIII – XIX Centuries in Russia

Kruglov A.V., Telegin E.S., Matrokhin A.Yu., Gruzintsevа N.A. Modern Trends and Prospects for the Use of «Smart Clothing»

On the Anniversary of Professor Alexander Mikhailovich Kiselev